Everyone knows the classic saying: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I could not applaud the person who came up with that enough; its so true that sometime we tend to overlook the advice. Indeed, everyone needs that close friend there to talk to and hang out with. But what gets looked over is that we also need to allow ourselves to be aware of our enemies, and not souly for the purpose of knowing when they are coming to stab us in the back (though that is a good reason). Having enemies can definately come with its benefits. They help us to keep our eye focused in the prize. They keep us detemined to finish a task better and faster than they do. Motivation is a key component to a sucessful life, and I don't know anything else that will give you more motivation than being able to outwit the person whom you hate the most. So next time you happen to bump into your arch rival, thank them for being a person of inspiration. Then you can also walk away in a good mood knowing that they will be spending the rest of their day trying to comprehend what you have just said.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Theres a reoccurring thought that keeps bouncing around in my head; maybe if I vent about it it will stop taking up valueable space in my head. I know that there are many diverse beliefs when it comes to finding your "perfect match." Personally, I believe in the soulemate principle: theres exactly one person out there for eveyone, but the probability of actually meeting that person is extremely slim. That "perfect match" could be anywhere in the world, and they probably speak a different language. I never get too excited about relationships because I can forsee that the chances of the relationship actually lasting and turning into something more serious is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000. And if that relationship is not going to result in something meaningful, then why waste your time gushing over someone you may hate a month from now? I see no reason as to why people even need to get married and settle down with a family; that prospect has never appealed to me. Now obviously individuals need to have relationships in order to keep the population up, but the thing I don't understand is why so many people choose that path of life. What are the benefits of having a husband and children? Why do we need to have other people to depend on so much. My opinion stated, what are your thoughts upon relationships? Do you believe in soulmates?
Posted by blacklilly898 at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Internal Conflictions
Lately I have been forced yet again to deal with my anti-social issues. I have asked myself many questions as to why its so hard to vibrate on the same freqency as the people around me. Granted, I simply cannot stand most of the people I am forced to deal with on an everyday basis, but there are a very selective few that I wouldn't mind getting to know a bit more. Furthermore, everytime I finally gather up the courage to go and try to talk with them, something always manages to pull me back. There is one person in particular that I have wanted to spend some time with lately and just can't bring myself to it. So I have a few reasons as to why talking to people has become so difficult: 1) I am too biased upon opinions that I don't want to hear from other perspectives on life. Having established a stiff structure to the daily grind of my life tends to hold me back on occasion. 2) I hate people in general, and I don't like to add individuals on the "exceptions" list. As the list grows, my stiff structure lessens its grip. 3) I will openly admit to everyone out there that there are many times that I feel superior to everyone else, that I am always right and they are obviously wrong. Do not misunderstand my words: I am aware that that last statement is terribly incorrect, but I have no desire to change the strict opinions I have had for so long now. In conclusion, I have yet another internal conflict to settle with myself: do I go against everything I have abided by for years and open up to world, or shall I let these people slip out of my life as if I never knew them? Its an issue that only I can sort out, so I would like to ask my readers a releated question: have you been in a situation in which you have had to go against your personal preferences and beliefs? How did you respond to your internal conflict; did you learn anything from your experience?
Posted by blacklilly898 at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Change in Prosperity
It has occurred to me as well as i'm sure that it has occurred to some of you: being a kid nowadays is so much different than it was 40, 50 years ago. Now, I would say that it is more complex nowadays, but I am aware that life years ago wasn't as easy as it is now. There is much more pressure on children of the current time period, as with the media and peers in general. In the 1950's there wasn't as much free time to apply the pressures of modern day society; that time also decreases as we wind the clock back even farther. If I could have had a choice, I would have chosen to grow up about 40 years ago; life was a bit more simpler back there. Technology wasn't near as advanced; though that does come with its own set-backs. Famlies were a lot closer, as the thirst to be busy all the time was quenched sumply by completeing household chores. Prices were a lot lower, which would have made life easier on teens trying to get a good start to their adulthood. Comparing thouse thoughts with today: I have noticed that a lot of families have become disfunctional due to the fact that they all operate on a busy schedule away from home, be it jobs or sports. The economy has withered away also, contributing to the rapidly accumulating list of hardships for aspiring teens. Technology has taken off at an astounding pace; If you aren't very familiar with computers you can kiss your dreams goodbye. Here are my thoughts upon the subject; now I ask what time period you would have liked to have grown up in.
Posted by blacklilly898 at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
As yesterday was the first warm day of year for us up in Indiana, I began to realize how greatly fair weather can affect the mood of you and almost everyone around you. I believe that its kind of like your mind tricks you into feeling super good on a warm sunny day, enabling you to get more accomplished while being in a better mood. I can also switch that statement around and make an observation about how I usually don't get much accomplished on a dark gloomy day. When it rains it just dampers my mood from the get-go, causing me to feel sluggish and useless. Colder temperatures can make a society function more slowly. Sunny Orlando is a bustling party city; you don't see people jumping around and partying in mass quantities in Montana. I can also say that the weather plays a part in why people that live in the southern part of the country are a lot more healthier than the "northerners." So, I turn to my readers and ask: have you witnessed this in your own experiences?
Posted by blacklilly898 at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Philosophy of Time
I would like to share bit of a lesson I have learned little by little over the past few months. Having this outlook on life really helps me to accomplish the tasks that need to get done. Now, I will tell you that in my past I was a VERY bad procrastinator. It took me a long to to change my attitude toward life's audacious tasks but now I would like to believe I have successfully switched the way life appears through my eyes. Time will go by, no matter what you do with it. So, instead of wishing time away and losing focus during class or whatever it is that you are dreading so much, aknowldege that no matter how fast you wish the time to progress, time will not obey your commands. Make the best of the time given to you instead of pushing things off to another time, when you still won't want to do it. Even though I haven't been around long on this planet, I am thankful to have this unique insight on life that I do; I am aware that, while one wishes time away in the present, you will be wishing for more time in the future.
Posted by blacklilly898 at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Lesson Learned
Well, today I learned a valueable lesson (the hard way). Make sure not to put too much trust in someone who you may think you know but honsetly don't really know that well. You could end up in trouble with the law and it won't be pretty. People can get really annoying these days, and often unpredictable. I can say that its fair, what I ended up being involved in. I let my guard down, and that was wrong. This is yet again another supporting detail of why i'm just not mean't to be involved with any person on this continent. So I am posting this just to get one message out there: do NOT let down your guard, ever. Even if you think you are completely surrounded by people you think you can trust. So now i must sit here and wait while time takes its course. I think the worrying is going to be the worst part of this. In conclusion, i still am really unsure how to apply this lesson in my life, being that it goes against everything I have come to know and cherish. I suppose the puzzle pieces will eventually come together, whether the puzzle is actually solved rather than smashed together I do not know.
Posted by blacklilly898 at 6:17 PM 0 comments