Saturday, February 28, 2009


While my birthday is quickly approaching, another question crossed my mind; since when did we need to be lavished with gifts for the cause of just being born? Why do we need to receive gifts in the first place? I think that humans as a race have grown spoiled and expect to be given things. God knows how many gifts get returned to the store the next day anyway. Personally, i think of gifts as an insult. They symbolize something that, if you wanted it, you could have eventually got it on your own. I don't even like to be told happy birthday, its unnecessary and it brings unwanted attention, which i work extremely hard to avoid at all costs. So, next time someone's birthday comes up, think twice about what you might interpret as a "good gesture."

Ethnic Issues

Today at school we had a little black history month performance and it sparked another question in my mind. Now, as i relate about this topic, do not think of me as a rascist. I just want to know why we recognize the african americans and no one else. I mean, i know that caucasions did bad things to them, but that is in the past. Everyone wants to keep going in with life and forgetting the past, so I just don't understand why we celbrate these things. There is no white history month, no asian awareness week. I believe that in order to fully overcome prejudices in this country we need to stop advertising on the past and look into the eyes of the future; Recognize that all sorts of people everywhere have made great strides in society and stop there. Seeing one enother as equal does not include flashing cultures in one another's face. So then, i ask the readers for their opions; do you think we should celebrate cultural events on a wide scale. Of course, i know that this topic has many branches of controversy, some that i'm not willing to get in at the moment, like religion and whatnot. I just want to know what everyone else thinks. 

Believe in what you May...

It seems as if questions always seem to pop in my head while i'm doing yoga. This time i had to spend a lot of time pondering on my question. So, what makes us prone to not believing what is real? Well, i believe this is a flaw in the human race. We tend not to believe something when it just seems too far fetched or too horrible to believe, which i believe is a real inconvenience when it comes to getting the full grip of life. Also i believe this would be one of the reasons that history tends to repeat itself; we, as a race, are too ignorant to come to terms with life's difficult and sometimes ugly situations. This is why there will be another holocaust, another world war, and why there will always be some sort of chaos in the world. I believe that if we all stopped lying to each other (and ourselves) and tried not to outdo our companions, then we as a whole could achieve world peace. But, no matter how hard we try, we will always have the qualities of the human species that we are, meaning that we will always experience hatred, jealousy, and have a dense mind. We don't always believe because we have a narrow perception on what life should be; anything not fitting in our description is not welcome to our minds, therefore creating an issue that might have been avoidable otherwise.

Thinking Ahead.....

As today was the last day i would be in the same classroom, i really got to thinking what i wanted to do with the rest of my life. I had a surplus of free time since all i had to do was study; believe me, that got really old really fast. In my future, I do plan to go to a technical college. They tend to be a bit cheaper than those other universities. In a time like this, every penny helps. I would like to have a job as a graphic designer. I know that its going to take a lot of hard work to get me there, but im willing to put in the necessary hours. One of the diffuculites i had to set upon myself was the fact that i know i will never acheive my chief goal of getting a lucrative job, but ya know thats ok. In order for me to pursue the ultimate career path (to be a storm chaser), i would have had to spend a lot of money which i don't have on college and beyond. Though i may have a brain in there, i'm nowhere near smart enough to get a scholarship in a class of 700 kids. I believe the coming years are going te be difficult for the economy, and i happen to be included in the lucky generation that suffers the brunt of the force while trying to start off our lifves sucessfully. Oh well; thats life. Take that hand that you are dealt or don't take it at all.

My belief in God?

Many people have come up and asked me the same question, so i thought that this would be a good way to answer it. Yes, I do in fact believe in God; so let the rumors stop there. However, I do not see that much of an importance of God as other Christians do; God is a ghost, as stated clearly in the bible. And again, with my belief in paranormals, my definition of ghosts sets different opinions on the one called God. Everyone believes that they will be "saved." Ghosts have no influence over us. They can't help or harm us. I suppose that mankind just needed some motivation so they created an alpha figure. Now, do not judge harshly on this opinion. I am not, never have been, or ever will be in league with Satan. (Just clarifying that one for those people who choose to think in that manner.) So i give you permission to call me insane, though you could probably do so in a silent manner.


So i was once again tossing ideas around in my head; just kinda chilling before i went to bed. I came upon another question that I felt compelled to answer: What exactly is going to happen on December 12, 2012? Now I know that there are a lot of theories going around and I would like to get my input out there too. Theres no denying the Nostradaumas has a knack for predicting things; he is a pretty cool dude. So I would like to keep his theory in mind while formualting my own opinion. I believe that the world won't exactly "end." There are people out there that believe our spirits will manifest in their divine forms. Now, im not all that crazy about religion either. So heres my thought; something will happen, though life will not end. With my belief in paranormals, the spirit thing sounds kinda accurate, though it has some glitches. Would the definition of the word "ghost" not be "spirits in their divine form?" I believe that there will be a tranformation on the wavelength of life. Ghosts are spiritual energy that vibrate on a different wavelength of life. They are around, we just cannot see them. Do to the so called mysterious alignment of the planets that is going to take place, the definition of life itself will change as we cross over to new wavelengths. That is my opinion on the 2012 conundrum. 

What makes you move?

So i was just doing some yoga and letting my mind wonder, like i usually do on weekends. When i say letting my mind wonder, i mean i just let random thoughts come into my mind, and then i ponder upon those thoughts until i come up with an answer that satisfies me. So this time i had a particularly striking thought enter my head: What gives humans their will to go on living? Now, i know that the answer to that question probably varies dramatically from one person to the next, but i did find and answer which suited me quite well upon my own behalf. So what gives me the drive to wake up everyday? I believe that i am driven by hate. Hate is a powerful thing; it can give you much energy to power through things in life. Hate makes me a persistent bitch, as i have often been called. I am finally able to explain why i am so good at the things i am good at. Why do i work so diligently to get through school? Because i hate it. Why do i spend my weekends studying when i could be out there doing something that would actually give me a social life? I hate studying...i hate it all so much that i do it to get it over with. And most obviously to everyone i meet: why do i shrug away from relationships? Well the answer is simple; i cannot stand being social, and i have no aspiration whatsoever to spend my life with anyone but myself. I do think there are some definite perks to wanting to be independent. And so i conclude my thoughts on this subject with a question for the few people that might possibly stumble upon this blog; what drives you through life? I am curious to see how differently people's minds work, what makes them do the things they do.