Saturday, February 28, 2009

What makes you move?

So i was just doing some yoga and letting my mind wonder, like i usually do on weekends. When i say letting my mind wonder, i mean i just let random thoughts come into my mind, and then i ponder upon those thoughts until i come up with an answer that satisfies me. So this time i had a particularly striking thought enter my head: What gives humans their will to go on living? Now, i know that the answer to that question probably varies dramatically from one person to the next, but i did find and answer which suited me quite well upon my own behalf. So what gives me the drive to wake up everyday? I believe that i am driven by hate. Hate is a powerful thing; it can give you much energy to power through things in life. Hate makes me a persistent bitch, as i have often been called. I am finally able to explain why i am so good at the things i am good at. Why do i work so diligently to get through school? Because i hate it. Why do i spend my weekends studying when i could be out there doing something that would actually give me a social life? I hate studying...i hate it all so much that i do it to get it over with. And most obviously to everyone i meet: why do i shrug away from relationships? Well the answer is simple; i cannot stand being social, and i have no aspiration whatsoever to spend my life with anyone but myself. I do think there are some definite perks to wanting to be independent. And so i conclude my thoughts on this subject with a question for the few people that might possibly stumble upon this blog; what drives you through life? I am curious to see how differently people's minds work, what makes them do the things they do.