Saturday, February 28, 2009


So i was once again tossing ideas around in my head; just kinda chilling before i went to bed. I came upon another question that I felt compelled to answer: What exactly is going to happen on December 12, 2012? Now I know that there are a lot of theories going around and I would like to get my input out there too. Theres no denying the Nostradaumas has a knack for predicting things; he is a pretty cool dude. So I would like to keep his theory in mind while formualting my own opinion. I believe that the world won't exactly "end." There are people out there that believe our spirits will manifest in their divine forms. Now, im not all that crazy about religion either. So heres my thought; something will happen, though life will not end. With my belief in paranormals, the spirit thing sounds kinda accurate, though it has some glitches. Would the definition of the word "ghost" not be "spirits in their divine form?" I believe that there will be a tranformation on the wavelength of life. Ghosts are spiritual energy that vibrate on a different wavelength of life. They are around, we just cannot see them. Do to the so called mysterious alignment of the planets that is going to take place, the definition of life itself will change as we cross over to new wavelengths. That is my opinion on the 2012 conundrum.