Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lesson Learned

Well, today I learned a valueable lesson (the hard way). Make sure not to put too much trust in someone who you may think you know but honsetly don't really know that well. You could end up in trouble with the law and it won't be pretty.  People can get really annoying these days, and often unpredictable. I can say that its fair, what I ended up being involved in. I let my guard down, and that was wrong. This is yet again another supporting detail of why i'm just not mean't to be involved with any person on this continent. So I am posting this just to get one message out there: do NOT let down your guard, ever. Even if you think you are completely surrounded by people you think you can trust. So now i must sit here and wait while time takes its course. I think the worrying is going to be the worst part of this.  In conclusion, i still am really unsure how to apply this lesson in my life, being that it goes against everything I have come to know and cherish. I suppose the puzzle pieces will eventually come together, whether the puzzle is actually solved rather than smashed together I do not know.