Friday, March 20, 2009


Theres a reoccurring thought that keeps bouncing around in my head; maybe if I vent about it it will stop taking up valueable space in my head. I know that there are many diverse beliefs when it comes to finding your "perfect match." Personally, I believe in the soulemate principle: theres exactly one person out there for eveyone, but the probability of actually meeting that person is extremely slim. That "perfect match" could be anywhere in the world, and they probably speak a different language. I never get too excited about relationships because I can forsee that the chances of the relationship actually lasting and turning into something more serious is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000. And if that relationship is not going to result in something meaningful, then why waste your time gushing over someone you may hate a month from now? I see no reason as to why people even need to get married and settle down with a family; that prospect has never appealed to me. Now obviously individuals need to have relationships in order to keep the population up, but the thing I don't understand is why so many people choose that path of life. What are the benefits of having a husband and children? Why do we need to have other people to depend on so much. My opinion stated, what are your thoughts upon relationships? Do you believe in soulmates?